Hot Water Heat Pumps For Canberra Homes

Zero Interest Loan Scheme Approved Installer

Call Us Now : 0422 986 470

The ACT Home Energy Support Program (HESP)

If you’re a concession card holder, you could be eligible for rebates of up to $2,500 on your purchase of a new hot water heat pump.

If you’re a pensioner, a Health Care Card holder or a Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card holder, you could be eligible for a 50% rebate up to $2,500 to install an energy efficient hot water heat pump. You could also be eligible for a rebate for other energy efficient appliances.

In addition to that, you could be eligible for a zero interest loan for the balance of the cost through the Sustainable Household Scheme, if, from 1 July 2023 your non-unit property has a UV at or below $450,000 (non-unit) in any year from 2022.